Pieces of Writing

Fragments of Original and Fan Writings

July, 2013

Theme #30: Story: “The End” (Original Fiction)

I feel like I must secretly be very bitter/have a very bitter feeling in my heart.  So much writing about failed love >.< I’m feeling very inspired to work on “Lover’s Reunion” so these other themes might be slow to make a reappearance. Summary:  A love story told backwards. This is not a lovely story […]


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Theme #19: Star Gazing (Uta no Prince-sama Fanfiction)

Man, I feel like I’m writing so much emo stuff.  But anyway, have an UtaPri drabble.  I’m happy with it.  I’ll probably post it on AO3 soon. Summary:  Haruka loves STARISH, but they are getting further and further away.


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Theme #06: A Taste of the Divine (Persona 3 Fanfiction)

This is like… “complete” but not.  Haha, if anything you can think of it like a prologue or a summary of a greater fic that may or may not ever get written.  It’d be well suited to be like the drabble series I never finished for Soul Eater. Summary:  Hamuko and Minato are alone, but […]



Theme #14: A Pain So Delightful (Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fanfiction)

This is sort of connected to my Too Many Women series on AO3.  It’s only sort of connected because the gender of the guardians has nothing to do with anything, but it is the backstory that I have decided to write for Lambo.  Lambo isn’t genderbent in my parallel world so he wasn’t originally going to get […]


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Theme #05: Walking Through the Graveyard (Original Fiction)

This was the first piece I officially wrote for Camp NaNoWriMo.  I wrote that fem!Narukami fic just because and then it fit Theme #13 so well I had to use it. This is definitely a WIP.  I don’t think it’s even a completed draft. Summary:  A very strange young person plans the “greatest” heist of all: […]


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Theme #13: Lover’s Reunion (Persona 4 Fanfiction)

Here’s the first one.  I’ve got four others “done” so far but I need to type them >.<  This is “complete” in that it has all the elements I want to include, but it’s pretty unpolished and if I could, I would like to include a bit about every social link. Formatting… is a thing. […]


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Theme #04: Phone Conversations (Persona 4 Fanfiction)

I know I said that I wouldn’t write for the same series twice in a row, and I didn’t.  I wrote the last one first, and this one most recently.  I just wanted to talk about this post now since I’m in a P4 frame of mind. At the moment this is a dialogue only […]


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30 Themes

I have chosen my list of themes!  I found these themes from 30_stories on livejournal.  I have no idea how active the group is, but they have a cool list of themes, so thank you very much people. The list: 01. “It was a dark and stormy night.” 02. flying a kite 03. watching fireworks […]


Camp NaNoWriMo July 2013

Hello, and welcome to my new site, “Pieces of Writings,” this site will have a sticky post explaining things as soon as I figure out how to do it, but basically, this is a place for me to post samples of my WIP’s on whatever I happen to be working on. I’ll post the WIP […]

