Pieces of Writing

Fragments of Original and Fan Writings

Theme #30: Story: “The End” (Original Fiction)

I feel like I must secretly be very bitter/have a very bitter feeling in my heart.  So much writing about failed love >.<

I’m feeling very inspired to work on “Lover’s Reunion” so these other themes might be slow to make a reappearance.

Summary:  A love story told backwards.

This is not a lovely story that ends with a satisfying finish.

This is life, a fragment of something noteworthy in an otherwise mundane or miserable life.

We will start with the end and end with the start.

This is not a lovely story that ends with a satisfying finish.

This is life, a fragment of something noteworthy in an otherwise mundane or miserable life.

We will start with the end and end with the start.

She was tired of mourning. It had been years, but she could not move on. What was it about him that made her look at a man and find him lacking?

This one is too tall. His smile isn’t wide enough. I don’t laugh as hard when I hear this one’s jokes as I did with his.

No one is good enough. And she suspects that if she saw him again, he wouldn’t be either. There is now a mountain of expectations where before there had just been a man.

A man she had loved very deeply.

She last saw him three years ago not long after he told her his plan to move to the opposite coast and leave her behind.

He didn’t look back and he didn’t say he’d miss her.

They weren’t exactly a couple. They spent most of their free time together and she knew he didn’t pay attention to any other women. He also knew he was the only man in her life.

They were somewhere between best of friends and intimate lovers. They never kissed or had sex, but they hugged and snuggled and if one got too tired, they’d even sleep in the same bed.

It was kind of like they skipped all the fuss of dating and had become partners. They were inseparable even when apart.

Her friends expected him to propose one day. Their life would stay the same as always, but her living expenses would go down.

That… sounded really nice.

Sometimes he would joke that they should get married if they were both single once she hit 35 so she’d still have time for babies.

At least, she thought he was joking. It was so hard to tell.

He made the worst jokes.

He loved god-awful puns and the weirdest shows on TV. Together, they’d watch stuff she’d never even consider alone. But with him, she didn’t mind.

She knew she loved him. Loves him.

Sometimes simple things wind up obnoxiously complex.

If she liked him and he liked her, why weren’t they a couple?

She thought about him all the time. Her friends thought she was a broken record that kept repeating his name over and over.

She thought they were perfect for each other. They balanced each other and he made her so happy.

Love generally doesn’t make a lot of sense.

When they first met, he hadn’t seemed very interesting. He was nice and kind of funny and cute, but he wasn’t special or anything. They’d barely exchanged any words in their small group. Each focused on other people and it hadn’t mattered too much to her.

I want this story to be readable forwards and backwards.  Right now I’m totally not done.  I lost momentum.  Eventually I will reach the beginning and this can maybe be considered a thoughtful piece and not a piece of crap.

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