Camp NaNoWriMo July 2013
Hello, and welcome to my new site, “Pieces of Writings,” this site will have a sticky post explaining things as soon as I figure out how to do it, but basically, this is a place for me to post samples of my WIP’s on whatever I happen to be working on.
I’ll post the WIP and then talk about what I’m shooting for or how I feel like it’s going. I suppose it’s somewhat like a developer blog.
Anyway, the first order of business is Camp NaNoWriMo. I have decided to complete a 30 Themes Challenge over the month. In order to keep with the WIP mindset, I am allowing myself to write fragments of what could possibly be a longer story later on if I decide to feel like it.
And if you get the urge to sponsor me (I’ll do a writing commission for you or something if you do?) You can check it out here.
The next post will include the list of themes I decided on and will (probably) be updated with links to each theme as I go.